Our Mission

To heal communities by cultivating space for people to process grief and loss without shame because loss is a constant companion and grief is an inescapable part of our human experience. 

Welcome to Thoughtful Transitions

In 1989, my cousin Pauline's passing taught me a profound lesson. Contrary to my fears, I discovered that being fully present with a dying loved one and their family was not only possible but deeply transformative. It allowed me to express and process the complex emotions of death. Pauline's memory continues to inspire me as a beloved ancestor, guiding me in my journey.

The passing of my grandmother Alberta in 1995 further illuminated the importance of planning and preparing for life’s final chapter. Her proactive approach in sorting out her affairs taught me that death, though often feared, can be approached with dignity and foresight. This experience also deepened my understanding of our ancestral connections.

Later, while serving in faith communities, I was often assigned to funerals and bereavement support. Initially hesitant, my mentor, Dr. McMillian-Duckett, encouraged me to embrace this path. Her guidance helped me see the myriad ways I could support individuals and families at the end of their lives. What started as an assignment soon revealed itself as a calling. Over two decades ago, I began to journey with those at their most vulnerable, listening to their stories, offering solace in their grief, and celebrating the lives of their loved ones. Death, in a way, began to speak through me.

In 2019, after decades of providing spiritual and emotional support for those grieving and nearing life’s end, I founded Thoughtful Transitions, driven by the belief that everyone deserves compassionate and equitable support while navigating loss. Our mission is simple yet profound: "We journey with you through all of life's transitions, from birth to death and every loss in between."

Life brings inevitable grief and death, stirring a myriad of emotions like sadness, discomfort, confusion, fear, and anger. At Thoughtful Transitions, we are here to accompany you through these journeys, providing a listening ear, a safe space, and an environment that honors your humanity with love and support. While we may not have all the answers, we stand steadfastly by your side.

As you navigate the journey of a loved one nearing the end of life, we are here to support you in embracing and releasing. We welcome all your emotions, offering a space where tears are not hidden and feelings are not subdued. Just be, and we will be with you.

Grief, a frequent companion of loss, is often complex and multifaceted. Our support extends beyond death to include losses of relationships, dreams, and more. At Thoughtful Transitions, we engage in difficult conversations, guiding you lovingly to release, find life lessons within loss, and move forward.

For those yearning to rediscover themselves, we are here to journey with you as you let go of what no longer serves you and embrace new beginnings.

Our team at Thoughtful Transitions is a tapestry of diverse professionals, including death guides, social workers, physical therapists, mental health experts, chaplains, educators, musicians, and artists. Each member brings unique gifts to support and accompany others in their journeys.

Join us in finding your path through the transitions of life.